Also he has allowed all of us to log in to his site and leave messages. There is only one condition: you have to pick a bug as an avatar, but don't let that bug you. So we are all bugs and that's just fine. I'm proud to be a bug! I love being a bug!. So in Second Life I got myself a bug avatar aswel. Go BUGS!
This is where the nickname Henry Hackit originated from. Being a flash designer and web-application designer myself, I soon figured out some stuff about the chat application and some bugs in the website. Now you don't go about doing some potentially irritating things under your real name, so I needed a cool nick. Hence Henry Hackit was born.
It didn't take long before the entire community either loved or hated me or were about to leave in fear. I like it when you love me, I hate it when you hate me but please don't leave because of a few small bugs(pun intended) in the system. The amount of commotion that I caused startled me. And I had become to love the site and their bug people so much that I had no choice but to apologise and promice to help our Creator to fix the problems. So I did. And the temporary nick that I used to stir up things grew on me so much that I kept using it.
So don't worry bugs, I don't have any dangerous hacker powers, I can't steal your identity or figure out your IP numbers(even if that were important)
I am however still able to read your private posts and pose as your bug. But that's just because Jochem never implemented the changes that I sugested. I just choose not to do that anymore. I mean, what's the point in pointing out errors if they are not going to be fixed?.
Don't bother to ask me for the stuff I know, or how to do it because I won't tell you. I just love the community too much.